Mark Zuckerberg (le créateur de Facebook) a annoncé hier sur son profile Facebook qu’il venait de finaliser le rachat de Instagram qui est le service de partage de photos qui a le vent en poupe ces temps avec plus de 30 millions d’utilisateurs qui ont rejoints Instagram en même pas 2 ans.
Ce rachat annoncé pour un montant de 1 milliard de dollars US peut impressionner mais ce n’est pas un gros investissement pour Facebook qui vise une valorisation à 100 milliards de dollars US.
Instagram sera à terme intégré totalement à Facebook mais Facebook (par le biais de Mark Zuckerberg) veut rassurer les utilisateurs actuels en assurant que le service continuera à être développé de manière indépendante tout en bénéficiant de l’infrastructure de Facebook. Mark rassure également sur les fonctions de partages qui resteront comme aujourd’hui, multi réseau. Le partage sur Facebook restera une option tout comme Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, …
Si vous faites parties des utilisateurs d’Instagram et que vous désirez vous tourner vers une autre solution que Instagram, laissez-moi vous présenter sommairement Pinweel.
Vous pouvez retrouver la déclaration de Mark Zuckerberg sur son profil Facebook. Je vous remets ses propos ci-dessous :
I’m excited to share the news that we’ve agreed to acquire Instagram and that their talented team will be joining Facebook.
For years, we’ve focused on building the best experience for sharing photos with your friends and family. Now, we’ll be able to work even more closely with the Instagram team to also offer the best experiences for sharing beautiful mobile photos with people based on your interests.We believe these are different experiences that complement each other. But in order to do this well, we need to be mindful about keeping and building on Instagram’s strengths and features rather than just trying to integrate everything into Facebook.That’s why we’re committed to building and growing Instagram independently. Millions of people around the world love the Instagram app and the brand associated with it, and our goal is to help spread this app and brand to even more people.We think the fact that Instagram is connected to other services beyond Facebook is an important part of the experience. We plan on keeping features like the ability to post to other social networks, the ability to not share your Instagrams on Facebook if you want, and the ability to have followers and follow people separately from your friends on Facebook.These and many other features are important parts of the Instagram experience and we understand that. We will try to learn from Instagram’s experience to build similar features into our other products. At the same time, we will try to help Instagram continue to grow by using Facebook’s strong engineering team and infrastructure.
This is an important milestone for Facebook because it’s the first time we’ve ever acquired a product and company with so many users. We don’t plan on doing many more of these, if any at all. But providing the best photo sharing experience is one reason why so many people love Facebook and we knew it would be worth bringing these two companies together.
We’re looking forward to working with the Instagram team and to all of the great new experiences we’re going to be able to build together.
Je ne sais pas si cet achat sera une bonne chose sur le long terme. Par contre ce doit être une excellente chose pour l’équipe d’Instagram et son CEO Kevin Systrom.
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